MVCS 365
We are reaching out to our incredible community for support as we strive to provide quality education every day. Our school operates thanks to the dedication of our teachers and the generosity of our donors. Tuition covers the cost of teachers and bookkeeping. We want to share with you the cost of keeping the physical school open for just one day.​​​
One Day Cost: $50
By becoming a Day Sponsor, you are making an investment in the education and future of our students. When you sponsor a day, your contribution directly supports the operation of our school and allows us to continue providing an environment for our students to learn, grow, and thrive.
How to Become a Day Sponsor
To become a Day Sponsor, simply fill out the form below. You can also choose a special day to commemorate your gift if you wish. Then you can either make your gift online or send a check to: MVCS, Attn: Ashley Maker, 118 Court St., Machias, ME 04654.